10 Ways to Support Someone Searching for a Job

Job searching is a tough and stressful process, and job seekers need all the support they can get during this time. How can you support a loved one while they search for a job? Here are a few ways:

  1. Offer emotional support
    When the stress gets too much and they need to offload some frustration, be an emotional support to them. Offer some kinds words, encouragement and compassion. Allow them to cry if they need to, and be a listening ear without judgement.
  2. Make personal referrals
    If you have anyone in your circle who you know is hiring, or is working at a company that is hiring, mention that you know someone who is currently looking for a job. Introduce them to people who could potentially offer them a job, introduce them to your contacts and invite them to networking events. The world is small, and sometimes knowing people in the right places is all they need to land a job.
  3. Review their CV
    Do some research on the best CV tips and offer to help them tidy up their resume. Make some adjustments that could put their CV in a better position to catch the eye of a hiring manager/recruiter. We have some simple CV tips here.
  4. Review their cover letter
    Read their cover letter and check for any errors. Make edits, help them put into words the unique skill-set they bring to the table and highlight their strengths. Check out our cover letter tips here.
  5. Let them practice on you
    Practice interview role-playing with them. Let them pretend that you are a hiring manager interviewing them, and they are being interviewed by you. Ask them common job interview questions, listen to their answers and help them improve where needed. We have a list of common job interview questions and answers here as a guideline.
  6. Allow them space to clear their mind
    Sometimes, job seekers need a break from the pressure of constantly looking for jobs. Honour their wishes when they say they need a break, and allow them the space to just breathe and be. It does not mean they will stop looking for a job; they simply need some space and time to clear their heads before continuing their search. A clear mind is definitely an advantage when under pressure.
  7. Clean up their LinkedIn profile
    See if their LinkedIn social media profile needs some adjustments. If they do not have a LinkedIn account, help them create and set one up. How can they improve their profile so that employers notice them? We have some tips here.
  8. Forward them job leads
    When you are scrolling on social media and see a job advertisement that they could be a fit for, send them the link. Search on Google for jobs in their field and forward it to them. Any and all job leads certainly help.
  9. Offer a ride to job interviews or to drop off their CV
    Offer them a ride to drop off their CV or go for job interviews. It could certainly mean a lot to them knowing they have one less thing to stress about, especially if they do not have their own transport. Sometimes, knowing that someone is in your corner and cares enough to drive you around to help get a job makes the world of a difference.
  10. Invite them to a job seekers support group
    Are you aware of any job seekers support groups? Suggest it to them, or invite them with if you are part of one yourself. Being able to talk to fellow job seekers will help them feel understood, heard and can help relieve some frustration.

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