3 Ways To Switch Off Mentally During the Holidays

Taking a break from work can often give us much-needed headspace to think about the issues which we tend to push to the back of our minds in everyday life. The holiday season can be a time of relaxation, recovery after a long year of work, and uninterrupted time with loved ones. For some, however, switching off from work is easier said than done.

The following tips can help you make the best of your holidays:

  1. Temporarily disable work emails on your mobile
    As tempting as it may be to check your work emails from time to time, temporarily disabling your emails on your phone will help you de-stress and shift your mind to holiday mode. Make sure that you don’t have easy access to anything work-related, and focus your attention on getting some much-needed rest.
  2. Set up a holiday routine
    Set up a holiday schedule, and make sure you don’t have time for anything work-related. This will help you prioritise rest and time with family.
  3. Don’t take your work with you on holiday
    If possible, don’t take your work laptop with you if you’re going away from home for the holidays. Make sure you leave anything behind that will give you easy access to work.

Taking a break from work is vital for our mental health, and helps us keep a good work-life balance. Hopefully, the tips above will help you achieve just that this holiday season.

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