5 Job Search Tips for 2019 from Experts

  1. Create lists. Create a list of companies that interest you and people you know. (Virginia Franco | Virginia Franco Resumes )
  2. Hope comes from choices. I’ve learned that one of the most important things to have in your job search is hope. I’ve met with countless job seekers over the last 12+ years and while many put on a good face, once we talk a bit it isn’t too hard to learn that many people have lost hope… that they’ll land a job, that they’ll be happy in a job they land, that getting a job is “the answer,” etc. Without even talking about discrimination or new-fangled ways of getting a job today, the big question is “will what I do matter? Will it be meaningful?” Add that to “how long will my next job last” and you have a lot of people who are not as hopeful as they once were. I learned from the late Dick Bolles that hope comes from choices. When we have choices and options, we can have hope. My hope came through entrepreneurship, yours might come from a change in industry or profession, or a new financial situation (downsizing, so you don’t need to make more at a job you hate but can make less at a job you love), etc. I recently got laid off from The Best Job In The World, but during the layoff all I could think about was my other income streams. I had other options, and I had plenty of hope. It is my desire that you can find hope for yourself and your career in 2019 through choices and options! (Jason Alba | JibberJobber)
  3. Use quotes to prove the significance of your work. Social proof is an excellent endorsement for the quality of the work you do. Ask for short quotes or testimonials from your network, former bosses, or take an excerpt from one of your LinkedIn profile recommendations. Avoid ambiguous testimonials like “John is a great guy. We really value the work he did for us.” Instead, select a recommendation that’s specific: “John always takes the time and goes the extra mile for his clients. Because of his exceptional client care, he secured a $2M contract with a previously competitor-aligned company.” Using a short quote is a great way to boast about yourself without coming off arrogant or prideful. Which is wonderful for those who are uncomfortable boasting about their wins. It also provides the much-needed proof and validation that employers are so hungry for. (Jessica Hernandez | Great Resumes Fast)
  4. If you have interviews coming up, it’s always a good idea to practice. It’s impossible to perfectly predict what you’ll be asked, but you can anticipate themes (like: teamwork, organization, stress, diversity, difficult person, customer service, etc.) and prepare example stories that you can adapt depending on the wording of the question. It’s also a good idea to practice questions like “Tell me about yourself” or “greatest strengths/weakness” that have a high probability of being asked. Time spent practicing for an interview is never wasted time. You may only get one chance to interview for a dream opportunity. (Sarah Johnston | Briefcase Coach)
  5. Prepare for the job interview. While this has always been important, I’m amazed at the number of recruiters that tell me how unprepared candidates are for the interview. (i.e. don’t know what the company does, have no questions prepared, etc.) (Sharlyn Lauby | HR Bartender)

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