3 Tips To Simplify Your Job Search

  1. List and research target jobs/companies

Do research on jobs and companies in the industry you are interested in. This will minimise the time you spend on applying for jobs you are not qualified for, nor have the skills for (this will help you maximise your time spent on jobs that may pay off). This will also help you build up knowledge about the industry’s biggest competitors, which you can use should you get called in for an interview by one or more of the companies on your list.

  1. Get a second opinion

Find someone who has experience with conducting interviews, practice on them and ask them to give you constructive criticism. This will help you to feel at ease and more importantly, minimise your chances of making basic mistakes during your actual interview/s.

  1. Take time to construct a proper CV

Before sending your CV out, make sure you take the time to construct your CV properly. Do your research on what information should be included; pay special attention to your spelling and grammar and always have a second pair of eyes check it for you.

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